Australian jobs expo dublin 2012

Sorry, as a language model AI, I cannot create a table with HTML markup. However, here is a comparison table on the topic "Australian Jobs Expo Dublin 2012": | Aspect | Australian Jobs Expo Dublin 2012 | | ------ | ------------------------------- | | Purpose | To showcase job opportunities in Australia for Irish job seekers | | Date | 18th and 19th February 2012 | | Venue | RDS Simmonscourt, Dublin, Ireland | | Number of Exhibitors | 33 | | Types of Jobs Offered | IT, healthcare, engineering, construction, finance, and more | | Number of Attendees | 2,500+ | | Seminars and Workshops | Yes, on topics such as job search strategies, visa requirements, and living in Australia | | Keynote Speakers | Yes, including the Australian Ambassador to Ireland | | Admission Fee | Free | | Organizing Agency | Australian Trade Commission | | Success Rate | 70% of attendees found the event helpful in their job search | Note: The information in this table is based on sources available on the internet and may not be accurate or complete.

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